Thursday 25 October 2012

How to cope with a huge homework load

There are those amazing days when teachers are lazy and forget to set homework, or it's coming up to a holiday and nobody seems to give homework. Those days are a luxury, and they don't happen often, especially during exam year. Use them well.

Picture this now: you get ridiculous amounts of homework for every class. As if that wasn't enough, you have other things due tomorrow that you were supposed to do yesterday but you just weren't bothered... You also have a class test to study for. And you just don't know where to start and you feel like you don't have time for all this. Sound familiar?
Yep, it happens all the time.

I have a system for doing homework quickly that I want to share with you. I've used this for ages and it works really well for me. People are always asking me how I got all my homework done so fast, or how come I have so much time to go on Facebook etc. Well, I follow this plan:

1. Write down a list of everything you have to do and when it is due. It doesn't have to be in a particular order, as long as you make sure to write everything. This takes about 1 minute, and it's really helpful because this way you can see what you have to do and when. It will also help you with the next step.

2. Sort your list into subjects and write down a small list of just the subjects.

3. Number the subjects in the order you will do them. I recommend this order: 

  • one easy, short subject
  • subject(s) you find difficult
  • time consuming subject(s)
  • your favourite subject(s)
This order works because first you focus on doing homework, then while your brain is still working very well you can do harder things, after that you do something that takes the longest. At the end, when your brain is tired, you can do something easy or something you like. And then, hopefully, you're done!

Note: If you're really stuck for time, do the things in the order that they are due, i.e. due tomorrow, then the day after etc.

4. Cross the subjects off the list as you do them. The reason people love lists so much is that you can clearly see what you have and haven't done, and there's a great sense of achievement when you cross something off or tick it, because you know that you're finished with it.


  • Music - I used to think music helped me study. This year I realised that while it doesn't really affect the quality of my work (because I can really concentrate on two things at once) it really slows me down. When I listen to music while doing homework, I do homework about two times slower than I would if it was quiet. It's involuntary - your brain does it. You may think you can concentrate perfectly well, but how do you explain those song lyrics being stuck in your head? So anyway, I would suggest not listening to music, but if you really want to, then let it play quietly in the background, don't listen through headphones or earbuds.
  • Phone - yes, we've all been there. You get down to studying, start writing, and then suddenly you get a text or a call or a notification and you're just itching to know what it is. Then you break your concentration, text back, check notifications, check all your social networks, and suddenly you realise that an hour's gone and you haven't done anything... A phone is such a distraction. I'm on mine practically 24/7, I have to admit. However, when I'm doing homework I always silence my phone until I'm finished. Turn the vibrations off as well, they are really distracting. Don't worry, your texts and messages will still be there when you're finished.
  • Internet - have you ever gone on your computer to do research on a project, or to do some homework, and then completely forgotten what you're there for? The siren calls of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube...they're so damn hard to resist! I know, I have the same problem. What I would suggest doing is that you leave any Internet-based homework till the end of your list. Then put the homework in front of you while your computer is turning on and stare at it. Literally stare. Think about what you need to look up. Then do it, but try not to give in to the temptation of other, non-homework related websites. If you do it quickly, then you're finished for the day and you're free to go on whatever websites you want.
  • Studying - if you have a test to study for, then it's very easy to leave it till the last minute. I'll do another post on my study methods, but for now let me just say that it's not always the best option. Trust me, I've been there. It's not a nice feeling when you stare at a test and you know that you know something, but you just can't remember it. So I guess it's best to study a few days beforehand, and then revise it on the day before the test.

I hope you found this helpful, and I hope you will be able to get through a homework load much quicker.

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